Event Summary
Between May 2-4, 2019, the Centre for Southeast Asia Research (CSEAR) hosted the annual North America meeting of the Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG). SEAREG was established in 2013 to highlight the best new research by young social scientists working on Southeast Asian politics, and to establish a network of scholars in political science in allied disciplines who are working at the forefront of Southeast Asian studies.
The main event of the conference involved six new Young Southeast Asia Fellows presenting their most recent cutting-edge research on Southeast Asia. They include threats against micro-sized groups in Indonesia, the fallout from Duterte’s drug war in the Philippines, the historical interaction of colonial and religious law in British Malaya, double minority candidates in Indonesia, public opinions regarding the environment in Vietnam, and communal violence in Myanmar. Additionally, a poster session was also organized, during which seven young PhD students presented findings from their latest research. Finally, small group mentoring sessions were also held. They were led by senior faculty on various topics including publishing books, conducting fieldwork, and bridging the academic-policy divide. In total, more than 50 junior and senior participants from across various institutions in North America benefitted from the program.